Recently someone ask me, how do you make the little pillow forms
for the Pillow Project?
So here it is. If you have any questions you can email me from

Cut two pieces of fabric 11x13 for small form and 12 1/2x17
for larger form.

Turn right sides together and pin all the way around.
You can cut your fabric on the fold, as in this picture.
So no pinning on that side.

Sew with desired seam allows all the way around,
leaving an opening on one side so you can stuff the form.

I also serge around for more durability. Be careful
not to serge passed the stitched line. If you do, you will not be able to fold under the opening
seam allowance properly. If you do not have a serger you can use your
zigzag stitch or just skip that step.

Stuff through the opening. Don't stuff too full or your
pillow will not be soft.

Tuck in the seam allowance of the opening and pin.
Make a nice 1/4 inch seam on the inside so it will not pull open.
Sew close to the edge, assuring that you catch the fabric on the inside.
I also place pins horizontally an inch or so away (see picture) , this will help
hold the fabric in place as this is the hardest part of the project.
Please try to ignore my ugly cut finger!

Who made the decision that pillow forms are white!!!

I like the pillow form to match the pillow in someway.
Either in theme or color.